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Cosmetic Dentistry



Age, genetics, and diet are factors of the colorization of our teeth. Extrinsic stains originate on the surface of the teeth while intrinsic stains come from within. A professional whitening kit from our office can change the shade of your teeth of extrinsic and intrinsic stains! The whitening process is done with our fabrication of a custom bleaching tray and utilization of our peroxides to penetrate through the enamel layer of the tooth and break the pigment bonds that cause stains.


Speak to your dentist today to see if this treatment is right for you.





Tired of being called Snaggletooth?


Crooked teeth can affect your confidence and negatively impact your oral health. Crooked teeth can interfere with chewing properly, which may cause excessive wear on teeth, gums, and jaw muscles, potentially leading to temporomandibular joint disorder, cracked teeth, jaw strain, and even headaches.  


Luckily, there are ways to get you that smile you want. Whether it is orthodontics (braces) by our referred orthodontist or minor cosmetic corrections, Rockville Dental Studio can make the process as easy as possible. 


Here at Rockville Dental Studio, we are able to correct misaligned teeth with our Invisalign Treatment. Invisalign gently moves teeth with clear aligner trays and is an alternative to metal braces for kids, teenagers, and adults. There are limitations to what Invisalign trays can do, but come into our office to see if you are a candidate for this treatment!





Why are my teeth crooked?




You inherit traits from your parents, so if they have crooked or crowded teeth, you’re likely to develop similar issues as an adult. This is mainly the result of underdeveloped jaws that do not allow space for teeth to erupt into proper alignment. 


Childhood habits

Thumb sucking and mouth breathing can alter the development of your jaw and how the teeth erupt. Losing baby teeth early due to cavities or trauma can affect how your permanent teeth come in. Early interceptive orthodontic treatment might be necessary to create space for the larger permanent teeth to erupt, which can prevent these issues. 


Lack of Retention


Teeth have the tendency to move to available spaces. As we get older and our mouth and jaw further develops, it causes movement in our teeth. This is typically the result of chewing forces that put minor orthodontic pressures on them causing them to shift over time. The more misaligned your teeth are, the more imbalanced the chewing pressure on individual teeth will be.





Dental veneers are a porcelain shell that are placed over the front part of the tooth. They can be used to correct teeth that are stained and unable to be whitened by bleaching, and teeth that are chipped, worn, or crooked.




Before you get veneers:


  • Teeth and gums must be healthy. All decay and gum disease has been treated and stabilized

  • Veneers are not always a good choice for patients who grind and clench because they are thin and can chip and fracture. A night guard might be recommended by your dentist to be worn at night.

  • Although your dentist will remove as little tooth structure as possible, the process of getting veneers cannot be undone. 

  • As with all procedures, have a good discussion with your dentist about your expectations and if veneers are a good fit for you. Routine exams and cleanings are important to maintain the integrity of the veneers. 


After you get veneers:


  • Veneers can chip under pressure. Avoid biting on hard objects and even avoid particular foods.

  • Getting used to your veneers might take a few days. Let your dentist know if your bite feels off after the veneer has been cemented. 

  • Brush and floss each day to keep the veneer margins sealed to the tooth. Although a cavity cannot form on the veneer itself, you can get cavities under and around the veneer margin. 



Schedule and consultation today to see if you are a candidate for veneers!

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